Air Filters & Purifiers

Home Air Quality in Manassas, VA

Dust, smoke, pet allergens, pollen and other pollutants compromise your health and detract from your family’s quality of life. Over time, these contaminants build inside your home and expose you to pollutant loads two to five times higher than outdoor air. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, making indoor pollution a notable health risk.

How can you improve the air inside your Northern Virginia home? Start with Parrish Services: the region’s home maintenance concierge and comfort specialist. Providing valued clients with cleaner air, improved HVAC efficiency, humidity balance and improved quality of life, we recommend and install proven solutions like these:

  • HVAC filters & whole-house filtration systems
  • Whole-house humidifiers 
  • Indoor air quality (IAQ) equipment by leading brands
  • Ultraviolet & HEPA air purifiers
  • Air cleaners
  • HVAC UV lights
  • Replacement HVAC filters

 A Healthier Home Climate System

You can turn your forced-air heating and cooling system into a whole-house air purifier with the addition of advanced filtration and sanitation equipment. Incorporated into the ductwork, supply-air filtration systems clean the air before it is distributed throughout the house. These include:

  • Extended media filters: Boxy filters up to 8” thick and consisting of pleated and compressed paper-like media that filters out particulates
  • Electronic filters: Devices that utilize high voltage current to charge particles which are then subjected to the opposite charge and collected from the air
  • Ultraviolet filters: Effective UV light devices that zap airborne bacteria and viruses

Keep Air Filters Clean 

Any heating and cooling maintenance program includes cleaning or changing the air filter frequently. A dirty filter restricts air flow and puts a heavy burden on ventilation equipment. Your air conditioner or forced-air furnace performs more efficiently and lasts longer when filters are cleaned or changed every month. 

Air Quality Terms to Know

When you buy furnace and air conditioning filters, you may be unfamiliar with the acronyms used to rate their performance. Here are some of the most common designations including:

  • MERV: Developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, MERV stands for “minimum efficiency reporting value.” Top-rated filters typically have a MERV rating higher than 10. The higher the MERV rating, the finer the filtration.
  • HEPA: This acronym refers to “high efficiency particulate air” filters. These are pleated mechanical filters that trap up to 99.97% of very fine dust, pollen, smoke, dander and other airborne contaminants.
  • MPR: 3M uses this “microparticle performance rating” to designate a filter’s ability to capture airborne particles smaller than one micron. Look for a MPR 1300-1900 for the most effective filtration.

Depend on Parrish Services 

Comprehensive home repair and maintenance services set the team at Parrish apart from other home service companies. Our triple-certified technicians are dedicated to addressing all your heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical repair needs in Manassas. We strive to make home maintenance and repair convenient and carefree with these innovations including:

  • On-time appointments & technician tracking app
  • Remote Diagnostics
  • Remote 2nd Opinions
  • Parrish Priority Maintenance Plans
  • Mobile sales calls for replacement equipment
  • Easily accessed Cloud-based recordkeeping
  • Fully warranted equipment and services

Improve Your Indoor Environment

Remove dust, dander, pollen and other allergens from your home’s interior with a whole-house air purifier. Electricians in Manassas install electronic and UV filters designed to work with your heating and cooling units, cleaning units to clean indoor air and protect your family from airborne contaminants. Connect with us online or call 571-946-6144 to request an estimate for air purifier installation.