
News (Blog)

Telltale Signs Your HVAC Needs Repair
Telltale Signs Your HVAC Needs Repair

June 21, 2024

Did you know that nearly 90% of households in the country use some form of air conditioning? Unfortunately, only 42% of property owners engage professionals for regular inspections and maintenance. A functioning system gives you peace of mind, knowing you don’t have to worry about discomfort during extreme weather. Read Article

The Advantages of Professional Air Conditioner Installation
The Advantages of Professional Air Conditioner Installation

June 19, 2024

With summer here, it is the ideal time to prepare your home for the hot months ahead. An HVAC system is an effective solution to beat the summer heat, but it is essential to ensure everything is running as expected. Proper AC installation is important to prevent frequent malfunctions,… Read Article

The Benefits of Regular Plumbing Care
The Benefits of Regular Plumbing Care

June 15, 2024

Regular plumbing maintenance is important for maintaining a safe and functional home. Owning a home often comes with various plumbing challenges, which can cause devastating damages and costly repairs. Fortunately, you can avoid such issues by scheduling routine maintenance with a professional technician. Unlike DIY enthusiasts, trained experts can… Read Article

Preparing Your HVAC System for the Summer Heat
Preparing Your HVAC System for the Summer Heat

June 12, 2024

The temperatures are heating up in Northern Virginia. Families should prepare their homes for warmer weather. Ensuring that your HVAC system is ready for the heat can help you stay comfortable and save on energy costs throughout the summer season. Here are our top HVAC tips for surviving a… Read Article

How to Find the Best Electrician for Residential Repairs
How to Find the Best Electrician for Residential Repairs

June 11, 2024

Property owners are constantly conducting various improvement projects, including electrical work. Whether you are moving into a new home or dealing with electrical issues, choosing the right electrician is vital. While most people conduct a quick online search, this may not ensure quality services. With all the different service… Read Article

Why Is My AC Leaking Everywhere?
Why Is My AC Leaking Everywhere?

June 7, 2024

One of the most common questions homeowners ask is, “Why is my AC leaking water?” This can raise concerns over the state of your unit and the comfort of your living spaces. If you notice dripping or pooling water around your HVAC, turn off the thermostat to prevent further… Read Article

How Often Should Your Home Generator Receive Maintenance?
How Often Should Your Home Generator Receive Maintenance?

May 10, 2024

When considering the care of your home generator, it’s vital to understand not just how often a generator should be serviced but also the benefits of doing so. Regular maintenance ensures that your generator operates efficiently, extends its lifespan, and minimizes the chances of unexpected failures. This is particularly crucial… Read Article

Benefits of Installing a Home Electric Vehicle Charger
Benefits of Installing a Home Electric Vehicle Charger

April 22, 2024

One of the top concerns of those who purchase an electric vehicle is where they can charge their car. What’s more convenient than charging your electric vehicle in the comfort of your home? When you choose Parrish Services’ dependable electricians to install your EV charging station you’ll experience a seamless… Read Article

A Person Holding Two Electrical Gauges
Should you convert your home from gas to electric?

February 28, 2024

Gas furnaces may be the most common way to heat a home, but they aren’t always the most efficient way. Converting from a gas furnace to an electric heat pump is an efficient way to make your home feel great and boost your indoor air quality. Heat pumps are not… Read Article

Electrical Panal
How Can a Smart Electrical Panel Benefit Your Home

February 21, 2024

An electrical panel distributes electricity from the main grid to your home’s individual outlets and appliances. However, the larger loads may not be enough for the traditional panel to regulate. In comes a new alternative, smart electrical panels. What is a smart panel? Every home has an electrical… Read Article